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If you need something to be inspired by, something to brighten your day or even something to find solace in, you're in luck because we've curated this list of good short quotes about stars.
You might've heard one of the most famous star quotes - “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars” from Norman Vincent Peale. This list contains more such quotes about stars that probably flew under your radar. If you love the spectacle of the night sky then you'll also appreciate our other articles about stardust quotes and moonlight quotes. Star Quotes From MoviesHere are some blockbuster inspirational quotes about stars straight from the cinema. 1. "You're measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high five." - Maui, 'Moana'. 2. "Stars die so we may live. We die so stars may be reborn." - Karl Larson, 'Supernova'. 3. "Some things change but some things shine forever as they are In the sky, shining high, 4. "To the stars, Bowen. To the stars." - Draco, 'Dragonheart'. 5. "My mom reckons I'm going to be a star. And stars don't fall from the sky." - Ritchie Valens, 'La Bamba'. 6. "I feel so small when I look at the stars." - Chuck Clarke, 'Ishtar'. 7. "There are no stars tonight. Perhaps we could have made our souls take flight together." - Tess, 'Tess'. 8. "Even if we, the gods, are abandoned or forgotten, the stars will never fade. Never." - Zeus, 'Clash of The Titans'. 9. "The earth is my body, my head is in the stars." - Maude, 'Harold and Maude'. 10. "The stars don't tell the future. They tell stories." - Shrek, 'Shrek'. 11. "What do stars do? They shine." - Yvaine, 'Stardust'. 12. "Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?" - General Mark R. Naird, 'Spaceforce'. 13. "Look at all the stars. You look up and you think, 'God made all this and He remembered to make a little speck like me'. It's kind of flattering, really." - Morgan Earp, 'Tombstone'. Star Quotes From BooksSome of the most beautiful star quotes come from the literature. Here are a few stars quotes. 14. "A lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back." - Sarah J. Maas, 'Throne of Glass'. 15. "Thoughts are like burning stars, and ideas, they flood, they stretch the universe." - Criss Jami, 'Killosophy'. 16. "Not just beautiful, though- the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me." 17. "I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars." - Stephenie Meyer, 'Twilight'. 18. "There is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars." - John Green, 'The Fault in Our Stars'. 19. "A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you." - C. JoyBell C. 19. "A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you." - C. JoyBell C. 20. "Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars." - J.R.R. Tolkien, 'The Lord of the Rings'. Star of history |